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Position:Home>Dancing> Where can i get a glow in the dark white vest (rave)?

Question:FOR A MALE! glow in the dark white vest. thanks peeps

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: FOR A MALE! glow in the dark white vest. thanks peeps

anything white will glow under UV light. actual glow-in-the-dark material usually a horrible yellow colour, not white.

Glow-in the-dark materials are usually yellow
But any white vest will glow under ultra-voilet lights

try primark and funky dancing shops. there are some in watford and amersham

you could try cyberdog in camden they have alot of cool stuff but white generally glows in uv light anyway

Check with the new Russian K.G.B. They have a full range radio active garments , accessories, including umbrellas, also both soft and alcoholic drinks, all of which glow in the dark. There are some side affects though, like a slow painful lingering death. Ex President "Puttin the boot in" gets very indignant when he is found out, exclaims , surprised innocence , then gets angry , sends bombers to Britain & makes all sorts of childish threats . And all you wanted was a glow in the dark white vest, see all the trouble you could cause.Have a good rave .

cyberdog or spankys in camden