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Position:Home>Dancing> Do dance studios teach breakdancing?

Question:Do most dance studios teach breakdancing? Hip-Hop dancing & Breakdancing is the same right?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do most dance studios teach breakdancing? Hip-Hop dancing & Breakdancing is the same right?

The best thing to do; call any of the studios in your area and ask. Some studios say they offer certain classes, but once you get there, they may only teach you a few basic moves and then you'll have to find another studio/instructor.

Try going by to visit one of the studios. Sometimes they have open house and will let potential students take a look at what they have to offer.

Yes or you could go to a gym or something they have classes there

Not the same. And yes, some do. Each studio will have it's own list of available classes.

There are actually dance studios that devote themselves to break dancing. Google the ones in your area.

some studios teach breakdancing so yea u want to no how to breakdance thats cool

Yes, try Pineapple Dance studio

Nope. Two different things. Hip hop is a series of moves that are with R & B influnces. They can be incorporated together but there are certain break dancing classes.
Hip hop is way different you could take a class and there would be NO break dancing at all. Break dancing is a series of stunts and flips and very hard moves.
GOOD LUCK, its not as easy as it looks.