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Position:Home>Dancing> Backbend Kickover ??

Question:ok...what can i do to learn it ???i know that to do one you need shoulder flexibility and arm strength........ i know how to do a backbend and when i tried doing one on the wall it worked but how do i know when i'm ready for the floor....people also say to use couch cushions but i don't have any removable ones.....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ok...what can i do to learn it ???i know that to do one you need shoulder flexibility and arm strength........ i know how to do a backbend and when i tried doing one on the wall it worked but how do i know when i'm ready for the floor....people also say to use couch cushions but i don't have any removable ones.....

it would be best to have some that knows what there doing help you out... you shoul dhave someone spot you untill you are able to do it on your one it takes shoulder back and a little leg flexibilty plus alot of muscle

Have a friend or parent spot you and make sure you dont fall..