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Position:Home>Dancing> Why do people think that ballet is so gay?

Question:Ballet is harder than it looks. why do people think that it is gay and that we prance around in tutus and tiaras?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ballet is harder than it looks. why do people think that it is gay and that we prance around in tutus and tiaras?

I'm tot with you ballet is the HARDEST. I've took TONS of dance class eg: tap, jazz, ballroom...ect (I do brodway tours)
and BY FAR ballet is the hardest. I think the reason people make fun of it is beacause its different with the slow, gentle and graceful moving. And the fist the people think of when they think of ballet is the Nut Cracker were the dancer actualy are wearing tiaras and those extra big tutus.
Hope this anwsers your question:)

first...please don't use the term "gay"
it's not really politically correct...

but i feel your pain about ballet. i love it, it's my favorite.

I don't think it's "gay."
but its very girly, so if that's not your taste, i can see why you'd think that.

because the people who criticize have never attempted it.

because the majority that do it are women, and as a stereotype by people, they were pink, and pink is associated with women

if they say tht obviouslyey there GAY
i dont do it but its not gay
and...they dont realize how much work it actually takes!

First off, you ballet dancers are althletes. I think people get that picture in their head because a lot of them took ballet as very little kids, and we did wear silly tutus and tiaras. Other than that some people love nothing more than stereotyping and in their ignorance don't bother to learn differently. It's a redneck world! I really wish I had kept up with dance- good for you!

many people have difficulty accepting things that are out of their comfort zone...this explains why people are also so opposed to classical music....

ballet is usually associated with the color pink, but that's just society.
It's mostly because of the way the media portrays it.

i dont understand why people think that it is a beautiful art and takes a lot of skill. people who think its (gay) are probably just jelous they cant do this.

first of all how is ballet considered "gay" not that i like ballet or anything but i have no clue why people have that impression about ballet that is just wat people think. there is nothing against thinking

Probably because they haven't tried it. My friend did her senior exit ( a huge project) on why dance is a sport and for part of it she taught our baseball team a ballet class and even they admitted it was really hard.

becasue they probably think its "girlie" or "easy" or something well they are dumb because they have never even tried it! so how do they know