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Position:Home>Dancing> Do you think that a man dancing Ballet is less "masculine"? Why?

Question:Please name your country, if you don't mind. Thanks !

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Please name your country, if you don't mind. Thanks !

I understand why you put "masculine" in quotation marks..For example, In my country (Peru) and in many other Latin American countries the "machismo" style makes men see male ballet dancers as less masculine somehow....

But I think it is just the opposite...Ballet demands a lot of muscular strength, to begin a lot of hard physical exercises..Also a lot of will power, living a healthy life, etc.etc.

Congratulations to all masculine Ballet dancers! Keep it up

Not at all. I know plenty of "masculine" men who would never be able to do the type of things ballerino's (correct term?) do. And, I'm from the U.S.

united statess...likee seriouslyy ballet dancingg nott playiingg aorundd? honestlyy.. ii dont thiinkk iits too iim sorryy :p

One word: ''Leotard''

thats the way its seen but if anything i think its more masculine than most things- the amount of strength needed to be a ballerina is far more than some sports

im from Britain

if you ever saw Baryshnikov you would know that you can be masculine in ballet - but why do you put the word in quotation marks? what are you trying to ask there - maybe you don't mean masculine?
Cuban is the country of my birth

USA, he might just be doing it to get girls, and i know that don t make sense. But some men cheer leader just to it to get girls.

Two University of Northwestern professors interviewed over a hundred professional male dancers and found 50% were gay.
This may explain the stereotype that "real men don't dance."

Boy Ballet dancers are EXTREMELY masculine! I am a 16 year old ballet dancer and I know for a fact that you have to be sooooo strong to lift the 100+ pound girls! SOme weigh less but they are unhealthy.

Also have you seen Baryshkinov?

They do wear leotards, but its so that the techers can see the way all of your muscles are working, and on stage they wear tights and leotards because its easier to dance in and so they can "show off" their muscles! Haha

US, and no, not at all. I think men have an AMAZING talent with ballet. And I think men that do dance ballet are extremely confident, and they are very sexy. Most men that dance, alot of people consider them to gay or just other things that aren't necessary. So I think that it's very nice to meet men that can dance.

I don't really think it makes a man any less of a man if he does ballet. Or makes him seem "gay" or anything, but it is kind of strange though. Because ballet is such a graceful, delicate, intricate dance that is is sort of out of character for a man.

USA. One time I saw a professional ballet company from Russia that had 16 guys dancing one set. WOW! That's a whole lot of men on stage at one time! I loved it! I don't think it makes anyone less masculine.