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Position:Home>Dancing> I need a good musical theater song to dance to. its for a group of like 7 girls

Question:any ideas? something like "mein heir" or "cell block tango" but cell block tango you might need a few more guys. please help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: any ideas? something like "mein heir" or "cell block tango" but cell block tango you might need a few more guys. please help!

cell block tango, springtime for hitler, mien hier, cabarat hoover, ease on down the road, umm basically just go on youtube and look up SYTYCD musical theatre and ull come up with heaps:) hope i helped!. o yea btw im a guy and u only need 1 guy 4 cell block tango

We did Cell Block Tango in a highschool production with just one guy. You just have to do the choreography so that he is free for the next girl each time.

Also, "All I Care About Is Love," also from Chicago, would be good, because you have Billy Flynn surrounded by a bunch of girls.

That would be a good musical theatre dance!
Like, the one guy could be Zac Efron (Link)