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Position:Home>Dancing> Do you think this song could be used for our first dance?

Question:Keep holding on by Avril Lavigne
I quite like this song but am unsure if it would be a good first dance song.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Keep holding on by Avril Lavigne
I quite like this song but am unsure if it would be a good first dance song.

You could use it, depending on the style. However i would reccomend a more upbeat one that everyone wants to just get up and join in on.

nah. not really. u could do better.


yea such a nice song i think if it means that much to you sure add a little extra magic to it

It's okay. I have always loved this one though...

i like the song too and i love Avril, but not quite appropriate for a first dance.. ;(

LOL. How old are you? I mean, anything avril lavigne, without even listening to that particular song, could be used as a good dance song for adolescents and kids hitting puberty.

As for what I prefer, I don't really see what it matters. When you're slow dancing, you generally don't even pay attention or remember the song unless it's at your wedding.

I wouldn't fret so much about it.

Follow your heart. IF you guys like the song then go for it. Nobody will remember what you danced to anyway.
