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Position:Home>Dancing> When you do a leap in dance...?

Question:are you pushing off of your back leg and making like an arch with your front foot landing first?
or are you "running" and then just popping up and landing on both feet?
please help!
i need tips on how to perfect my leaps !!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: are you pushing off of your back leg and making like an arch with your front foot landing first?
or are you "running" and then just popping up and landing on both feet?
please help!
i need tips on how to perfect my leaps !!!!!

My teacher explained it to me like a roller coaster. You climb to the top and then there is that moment of suspension when you kindof hang in the air and then you land. I would say it is more like an arch in that respect. Your front leg will kick out first but the back leg is almost immediate and you land on your front foot first. It is kinda like a glissade but a much bigger movement.

A leap is taking off of one leg, the one behind you, and landing on the front foot first. A jump takes off from two feet and usually lands on two feet.

There are great tips under the Advice forum of

Go check it out!

Good luck!

you need to use your back leg to push off and your front leg to land but you still need both legs up while you're in the air. good luck!

to do a leap you start with a movement like you kicking your front foot forward then push off your back leg bringing it up into what ever leap position your doing.

then you land on your front leg and bring your back leg threw

The girl above me had a great answer. You do want to brush off your front foot and then push off the back to get your back leg up. Try this combo: chasse step leap. Use the chasse to get momentum to help your front leg up. Step across with your left leg and then brush up your right leg. As your right leg is brushing up, you will use your plie to push up your left leg. Ideally, both legs will be parallel to the ground at this point and you will be in the air before landing. Imagine someone is taking a picture at the peak of your leap. Land on your right foot and bring your left to a back coupe. Your left will come down almost immediatly after the right, but you won't be landing with both feet down like you would on a toe touch or something like that.

So, remember:
~point both toes, don't forget the back foot!!!
~Straighten both legs, if you are developing your front leg, it will be developing while the back leg is brushing up so that ideally they would both open at the same time in the air as your suspend before landing
~use your prep: get momentum, don't let the extra step slow you down because power and plie are the two things that will get you up
~arms, the more you flail them the harder it will be to leap, have strong arms that open the second your hit the peak off the leap

I hope I helped. Feel free to email me with more questions or for more tips (: