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Position:Home>Dancing> How can I learn a Spanish dance on the internet?

Question:How can I learn a Spanish dance on the internet? Which website do I go to? Where to do I look? Are there any good DVDs that teach you Spanish dances? I would want to learn the salsa the most. Thank you, in advance, for your answers.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How can I learn a Spanish dance on the internet? Which website do I go to? Where to do I look? Are there any good DVDs that teach you Spanish dances? I would want to learn the salsa the most. Thank you, in advance, for your answers.

this isnt a very great answer... but u could maybe go on youtube and type in salsa dancing. they might have a video of someone teaching it, or a video of someone doing it so u can learn... good luck!!!
also, try googleing "salsa dancing" and it might take u to a website where u can learn