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Position:Home>Dancing> To quit or not to quit?? helpp me please =(?

Question:im 15 and i do irish dancing 2 nights a week as a hobby. I used to hang around with these 2 girls at it but they have now went off and im left every night i go to dancing practise by myself.
no one likes me there and i dont know why =(
i feel like im talked about constantly by everyone.
i get laffed at and stuff aswell =(

i used to love dancing when i had peple there to talk to and stuff

but now i really hate it because of the people there

every day i have dancing practise i come home and im in a really bad mood i cry a lot =(

please help me

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im 15 and i do irish dancing 2 nights a week as a hobby. I used to hang around with these 2 girls at it but they have now went off and im left every night i go to dancing practise by myself.
no one likes me there and i dont know why =(
i feel like im talked about constantly by everyone.
i get laffed at and stuff aswell =(

i used to love dancing when i had peple there to talk to and stuff

but now i really hate it because of the people there

every day i have dancing practise i come home and im in a really bad mood i cry a lot =(

please help me

You have to ask yourself this.

Are you better off dancing at this place or would you be better off to stop going to this place or are you better off quitting altogether?

Is there somewhere else you could go? I assume you aren't driving quite yet, could a parent drive you to the next town over for class? Could you get one of your friends from school to join the new place with you?

Personally, I don't think you should stop what you are doing just because of some stupid snots. You said you liked it. Don't let them take that from you. They're probably just jealous or just being snarky, backbiting girls. Look into going somewhere else. I know how it is to have friends go away and be left with gossipers. My heart goes out to you. Don't let them take this piece of your life from you, though.

do you not like dancing because of the people, or because you just dont like dancing?

if you dont like it cuz of the ppl, tell them to fuggov and do what you enjoy

if you really just dont like dancing anymore then dont beat yourself up over it


Maybe try going to a different dance school, that way you can make new friends and start enjoy dancing again. Good luck to you.

tell the dance teacher. this can only get worse if you dont do something about it. It will get better when they soon realise you dont care ( try not to show that you care) and they will start to leave you alone. Maybe try and going up to them and have a talk. Try and make new friends or get some of your friends from school to do it with you. I think you shouldnt quit. If it gets much worse then i suggest you either more schools or try and work it out

Good luck


Well you don't want to keep doing something that's going to make you miserable, obviously. You could either 1.) try to make new friends there, which I know is sometimes harder than it sounds, but over time it's very possible or 2.) focus really hard on your dancing and let it be its own reward, and enjoy that for what it is, maybe you'll make friends along the way without even trying.

If neither of these are possible, I would find something else that you CAN enjoy. Be good to yourself! And don't give up.

i wouldn't quit if i were you.

you could switch dance studios --although it might be hard to find some that do irish step dancing

i would just put up with it. if you love to dance, that is what you should do

I would suggest starting somewhere else if you still like to dance. I will give you a fresh beggining to meet new people and make new impressions

please dont quit.
I was in the exact same situation,
I would go to dance class by myself, and sit in the corner by myself. approach some girls from class and make some new friends, If people are being mean to you show them by working hard and being the best dancer in the class.
Dont worry about the people in your class focus on your passion- dancing.