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Position:Home>Dancing> Dance // Jazz exam?

Question:Do you think I'll get away with a black lycra leotard which covers the back and the front which finishes under the neck (NOT A POLO NECK). And sleeveless for my Jazz exam ? ? Sorry, I would have a picture but for some reason the site I saw it on, doesnt work even though I've just been on it, so I hope the description is enough =.]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you think I'll get away with a black lycra leotard which covers the back and the front which finishes under the neck (NOT A POLO NECK). And sleeveless for my Jazz exam ? ? Sorry, I would have a picture but for some reason the site I saw it on, doesnt work even though I've just been on it, so I hope the description is enough =.]

It does seem appropriate if you are comfortable in it. If your not comfortable in it, then don't wear it.

What I wear for my Jazz exams is either:

Leo + Leggings:

Or, this top + Leggings:

Good Luck for the exam! And make sure you wear tan or pink tights-its a 1000 times more easier when doing floor work.

Hope this helps :)



A leotard sounds appropriate to me for an audition/evaluation. If they told you something specific to wear, you should wear that to avoid getting points off. Otherwise, this sounds fine.

That's the usual evaluation outfit at my school and studio... so unless they specified a certain dress code, that should be just fine. Good luck.