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Position:Home>Dancing> Do my character shoes fit?

Question:I was expecting my character shoes to be tighter because they are made for dancing. They are slightly loose, but not really, but I wore them around the house and tried dancing in them and they felt fine. Are they supposed to fit this way?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was expecting my character shoes to be tighter because they are made for dancing. They are slightly loose, but not really, but I wore them around the house and tried dancing in them and they felt fine. Are they supposed to fit this way?

Yep. I felt the same way when I got my first pair, but don't worry, they're supposed to feel like that. I think they're looser than other shoes. Be careful - I found that they can be kind of slippery.

yes they are. i have them too.

i think there is no different with buying a normal shoes, as long as you feel comfortable in it, they are fine. Unless they are so loose that it feels like they can fall off any minute while you are dancing.

yeah, they tend to be looser than other dance shoes

esp. pointe shoes