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Position:Home>Dancing> What can i do so i can learn to do the splits?

Question:im soo close but not close enough

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im soo close but not close enough

Just keep at it. My sister trained herself to do it by placing one foot against the wall and forcing her other foot out. She just kept at it and was eventually able to do it. If it does not come naturally you need to train your body for it, if you don;t you can injur yourself.

Just keep practicing. You should eventually be stretched enough to do them. Especially if you're so close.

do as far as u can every single day and u will get down to the floor ;) lol

Every night, stretch, and then sit in your split position for as long as you can but don't push yourself too much. If you do it a couple times a day or even just once a day for like a week, or two, you'll be able to do them. Just keep doing them! (: Good luck!


I'm trying too