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Position:Home>Dancing> I took dance for awhile, and I broke my leg, my mom is hesitant about letting me

Question:I want to dance again, but i am no where NEARLY as flexible as I was before I broke my leg! My mom really suggests that I just quit dance all together, which breaks my heart, its my passion! I want to do ballet, but I'm not sure if I can take classes because I'm now 15 almost 16 and shes convinced that I will be put in a 4-6 year old ballet class if I start to do it again. HELP, me and my mom.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to dance again, but i am no where NEARLY as flexible as I was before I broke my leg! My mom really suggests that I just quit dance all together, which breaks my heart, its my passion! I want to do ballet, but I'm not sure if I can take classes because I'm now 15 almost 16 and shes convinced that I will be put in a 4-6 year old ballet class if I start to do it again. HELP, me and my mom.

Did you break your leg while dancing? If not, then your mom shouldn't really have any hesitations. I can see her being leery of it if you had a bad dance accident, but if your injury had nothing to do with dance, I don't understand why she'd feel that way.

Anyway, you probably won't be put in the kiddie classes. You still remember all your technique and all the positions and moves and stuff, right? That's what is most important, not the flexibility. I'm sure that if you go talk to your dance teacher, she can give you some exercises to help regain your flexibiblity and put you back in the class you were in. Except maybe for pointe, though. She might want you back in a little bit of pre-pointe for a while to get your strength back before you go back on pointe. Which will be annoying, I'm sure, but worth it.

I did kind of the same thing. I stopped dancing when I was 12(after 1 year on pointe) to take violin lessons, and now I'm going back into it 6 years later. I do still remember most of the technique ad everything, it's just that my flexibility and strength has lost something. So, I'm doing the adult ballet class to get my flexibility back, and pre-pointe to get my strength back before I go back on pointe.

If I were you, I'd sit down with your mom and your dance teacher and find out just what classes you could take, and what you could do to regain your strength and flexibility.

Good luck!!!

Can you slow down and ease back into it instead of practicing a lot of hours a week.

don't all of a sudden hop back into it, ease into it. start stretching and strengthening at home on your own. I really doubt you will be put in a little kids class. once you start again most of it might come back to you. prove to her you can do it by working at home & at gymnastics, maybe it wil convince her to let you.
Good luck!