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Question:When I point my toes, I don't have the best point.

How can I make my arch more defined, the top and bottom arch of the foot??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When I point my toes, I don't have the best point.

How can I make my arch more defined, the top and bottom arch of the foot??

(1) Extremely articulated tendues with some pressure on the floor as if you wanted to rub the finish off of the floor.
(2) Roll up a towel to about four inches thick, kneel on a carpet or rug with your legs parallel to each other. Place the towel under your feet just above your toes. Face forward and slowly sit back on your heels or as close as you can. If you don't feel a stretch, open your feet about 12 inches and let your seat sink between your calves as you sit back. Keep your body upright, BREATHE and feel this stretch.
Remember, you don't point your toes... you point your FEET! Your toes sould be fairly relaxed and stretched to make a looooong line, not crunched and shortened. Fun, fun, fun! ;-)
One more thing, we used what was called a "tootsie roller" or foot massager you can find at health food stores. These are great for stretching and relaxing the "Plantar Fascia" that stretches from your heel to your toes under your foot. Great stuff!

you should just do tendu's slowly.
I bought a thera-band and they help heaps!

My first ballet teacher taught me as follows when I was about 4 years old:
Think of elongating/stretching your foot into the ground. From your inside ankle through your foot down to your big toe in a line. If you stretch hard enough, your foot curves over naturally.

Of course it helps to do foot exercises, but my personal opinion is that high, stunning arches is a blessing. Work on your technique, and you might get better results.
Hope it helps!!!