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Position:Home>Dancing> I am Trying Out For Hsm3 Dancer. Any advice?

Question:I would Just like To know Some Simle Advice. Thanks So Much.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would Just like To know Some Simle Advice. Thanks So Much.

OH my gosh... I'm trying out, too!

I could not be more nervous. I just know that even if you aren't the greatest dancer, they are looking for someone who has IT.

I guess a good presence, high energy, camera friendly, and has the look they are looking for. I watched the auditions from last year on YouTube and it really helped me. It made me a LOT LOT LOT more nervous but I have a better idea of what to expect.

They want personality and someone who just shines. OF COURSE they are looking for good dancers, but if they had the choice between the best dancer they'd ever seen with little personality or a good dancer with a lot of bright energy and the ability to connect with who they really are....

they are going to pick the one with personality.

Make sure you wear something that shows who you are, your individuality. Act confident and most importantly.... dance your heart out and be yourself!

All you can do is your best! Good luck!

other than having good dance technique, try smiling a lot!

-make sure you put energy into everything you do. at the auditions, never look tired (even when you are) they want someone who is energetic.

-show up early to warm up (great for your body and also shows them your dedication) if you cant be early, make sure you are at least always on time

-be friendly, talk to everyone, kiss up to the directors a little but not like annoying. they want someone with personality, who will stand out. so talking to people will make them notice you when you dance.

and ps-- where are the auditions at? i want to audition too!!!!

Outside of practicing, all I can say is to prepare yourself now for a big let down, that way, if you do make it to a callback, it will be that much sweeter.

And whatever you do, don't let a "no" stop you from trying out for other roles. Hearing "no" will help you in the future, because you will become accustomed to the process.

Good luck!