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Position:Home>Dancing> Am I to old?

Question:I'm 12 in a half years old, and I love to dance. I even take a class for it. But, I've only been dancing for 3 years. Everyone else in my grade and all my friends have been for 8, 9, and 10 years. Am I to old to be only a third year in dancing at the age of 12?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm 12 in a half years old, and I love to dance. I even take a class for it. But, I've only been dancing for 3 years. Everyone else in my grade and all my friends have been for 8, 9, and 10 years. Am I to old to be only a third year in dancing at the age of 12?

no!! of course not, you are NEVER to old to dance :D a girl at my studio who is 19 just joined us. its never about how long you've been taking it it's about how much you have learned and improved so don't compare yourself. some professionals have only been dancing for 5 or 6 ;)

If dancing is what you love to do, then you should focus on achieving your goals in that area, regardless of your age. You dont need to care what the others think, if you love to dance that much, you are not too old to do what it takes to run with it. If it is really bothering you, you might consider taking private classes so that you can catch up to the other dancers. Hope this helped.

No of course what you love. Don't let anyone stop you!

I started irish step dancing with my daughter when I was 35 yrs old. NO YOU ARE NOT TOO OLD!!! I was the only adult dancing with 11 kids aged 4-10!

if you want to dance keep going as long as you can and enjoy it as much as you can. it doesnt matter if you are girl or boy.

Not at all!

In many cases, 12 is a young age to start dancing. If this is what you love to do, go for it!!! You'l be great.

dont think that way if you love to dance then dance dont let anyone tell you other wise. who cares if you only have 3 years. it doesn't mean that you cant dance. be confident and just do what you love to do!!!!
i wish you all the best and good luck.

your lucky you can even dance I have no timing what so ever .
If its what you want NOTHING CAN STOP YOU!!

No way.

Your never to old to dance for one thing. And your definitely young as it is. So some people have been dancing longer than you.

There is always going to be someone better. But that shouldn't stop you from doing what you love.

Absolutely not. Your passion for the dance is what's really important. If you really love the dance, it will show. You'll put more into it so you'll get more out of it. When you practice you are really into it rather than just going through the motions.

After taking belly dance classes for a few months several years ago, I started again in mid-2000, when I was almost 42. I will be 50 later this year. I have helped out my teacher in paid gigs a few times when an extra dancer was needed, and have been paid. Being a professional isn't my ultimate goal though, but I could be. It's something that I do for myself. I have no plans to stop any time soon. I do it because I really love it.

I wish you luck.