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Position:Home>Dancing> Question about Bharatanatyam???

Question:Hi, I am just wondering are there any dance schools in united states, specifically Ohio, where they teach Bharatanatyam? (south indian dance)
If no, are there any good DVD's that can teach me? I know that nothing is better than having a guru to teach it. I really want to learn it.
what could i do?...any suggestions???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi, I am just wondering are there any dance schools in united states, specifically Ohio, where they teach Bharatanatyam? (south indian dance)
If no, are there any good DVD's that can teach me? I know that nothing is better than having a guru to teach it. I really want to learn it.
what could i do?...any suggestions???

I heard that the Ohio Ballet School has some Bharatanatyam lessons.

If you'd rather go by DVD check out this one, I've heard good things about it: