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Position:Home>Dancing> SYTYCD: Aren't you glad that Laura left?

Question:She was horrible. I can do a double without falling out of it lol...

I wish JD left though, instead of Sermsah. JD's choreo is boorrrrinnngggg, I don't care what Jason says.

I'm really glad that Anthony and Camilla are partners though-they will be PERFECT together, can't wait to see their routine next week.

What are your thoughts?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: She was horrible. I can do a double without falling out of it lol...

I wish JD left though, instead of Sermsah. JD's choreo is boorrrrinnngggg, I don't care what Jason says.

I'm really glad that Anthony and Camilla are partners though-they will be PERFECT together, can't wait to see their routine next week.

What are your thoughts?

Oh I'm so wrapt she has left also.I think she was so depressing to watch and boring.
Very shocked that JD didn't go.I'm sure Riannin would be She would love another partner,but can you imagine Riannin with Anthony? I think they thought of that to.

Can't wait next one.

what?? i didnt know the new season started already!!!! please email this the american season, or what????

I truly wish people typed in clear English when they post their questions! No abbreviations!? cause I have NO idea WHAT you're referring to!


My thoughts are, that I wish I knew what the hell you are talking about LoL

my thoughts would be to be told what the HECK you were going on about!