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Position:Home>Dancing> I need help on increasing my back flexibility...?

Question:for my dance class we have to be able to do a backbend up from the floor and then stand up from it...

I'm not very flexible in my back so does anybody know an exercises?
also any tips that anyone might have about backbends walkovers etc would be much appreciated :]


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: for my dance class we have to be able to do a backbend up from the floor and then stand up from it...

I'm not very flexible in my back so does anybody know an exercises?
also any tips that anyone might have about backbends walkovers etc would be much appreciated :]


there are quite a few exercises i know off.1)lydown flat on your stomach raise your upper body from the ground level as much as possible now raise your both your legs similarly backwards and hold them tight with your hands now the back side of your body should be in the shape of a bowel 2)stand straight hands held straight and close to your body.raise both hands is stages of 45 degree until they point towards sky-body straight-hands held straight and close to ears-in this position bend forward and touch the ground now slowly move in reverse direction until hands point to sky,now bend backwards as much as possible and come back to normal position.Hope this tip proves helpfull.

it may not be back flexibility it might be lack of back strength so try doing more superman workouts and terminators.

-superman: lay on ground with tummy down and lift arms, legs, and body off ground as much as possible and hold for 30 sec.

-terminators: lay on ground with tummy down and lift (for example) right arm and left leg, hold for brief second, switch then lift all arms and legs off ground.

hope this helps!

Some people have natural back flexibility (I can almost do the spider ;) That's when you lie on your stomach and your feet touch the ground (over your head).

Anyways, I recommend lying on your stomach and lifting up your upper body for about 30 seconds, then your lower body for 30 seconds. Then both for a minute. My ballet teacher makes us do it constantly (very painful) But, still effective!

if you need to help with back STRENGTH, there is an exercise called a "good morning"...


Iam a Dancer...I practise Yoga to get flexibility.... Try it its Good for your health too
