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Position:Home>Dancing> Is there a WRONG in KRUMPING or does every krumper have their own style?

Question:Like every type of dance there is always room for a touch of personal style...accept ballet.

Krumping is defintly very individualized just like hip hop is. So as long as it is sort of aggressive, you can do pretty much what you want.

whats with you and krumping? you have asked like 5 questions on it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Like every type of dance there is always room for a touch of personal style...accept ballet.

Krumping is defintly very individualized just like hip hop is. So as long as it is sort of aggressive, you can do pretty much what you want.

whats with you and krumping? you have asked like 5 questions on it.

well krumping is pretty awesome, and i personally think anyone can have their own style of the way they do it. however, i think some people could mistake krumping as easy (or they just dont really get it) and do moves that dont necessarily fall under the krumping "category"

from the looks of it, its just another way to randomly flail body parts while trying to follow the beat of a no talent "musician" who repeats either the same rhythm or their name 40 times.... if they can make money sayin stupid stuff like "mike jones" over n over again and ppl think its a song...just like that stupid song "chicken noodle soup with a soda on the side.... WTF IS THAT??? THATS NOT MUSIC THATS NOT TALENT. THATS WASHED UP WANNA BES GETTIN WASHED UP MORONS TO BUY CHEAP PLASTIC... u might as well be able to do what ever u want to dance to it... or listen to real music n get a hobby... like sex?