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Position:Home>Dancing> LOTS of stage fright?

Question:I can dance sometimes in front of people when I'm at a school dance or something, but I would love to do the talent show but I'm SO scared to dance in front of a lot of people I don't know. I mean I don't even dance in front of my dad or mom or brother. HELP

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I can dance sometimes in front of people when I'm at a school dance or something, but I would love to do the talent show but I'm SO scared to dance in front of a lot of people I don't know. I mean I don't even dance in front of my dad or mom or brother. HELP

just ignore the fact that people are watching you, when i dance i mainly freestyle to whatever song is playing, i dont even notice the people watching me, its all on you, people can heckle and say things at you but dont let that distract you, you're performing so they ought to give 100% respect cuz if not then its not even worth dancing in front of them, but yea i suggest looking out to the crowd but not looking at anyone specific, just stick to your routine and ignore the fact that people are watching you till you over come that stage fright

hope that helps!

i have that too, but you will get over it soon enough , u cure it by facing ut fear

I used to have the same problem: I've never really had stage fright, but I couldn't sing in front of people to save my life. I'd tense up, go flat, and start crying (even with "happy brithday"). One summer I was at a camp where I knew maybe 5 people, and we were all required to audition for the session's musical. Long story short I took a deep breath, nailed the audition, and got a lead. However, on opening night, I had to sing a solo in front of hundreds of people I didn't know. Instead of focusing on the idea of people judging my performance, I came to the realization that I most likely won't see these people ever again -- so I took advantage of that, went all out, and had fun with it. Needless to say, because I had fun with it, I managed to do a great job.
And hey -- if I can sing in front of people and live to tell everyone about it, you can dance in front of people you don't know and just have fun with it. :)

just pretend the people r not real...i danced in a talent show when i was in 3rd grade and i did fine...u just have to face ur fear
ull do ok:)