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Position:Home>Dancing> I'm in tap , and were dancing to this song, but i have no idea what its call

Question:it starts off slow, and then it says "5678" and goes really fast . i'm trying to look for what it's called. can you help?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: it starts off slow, and then it says "5678" and goes really fast . i'm trying to look for what it's called. can you help?

I think that's a song from the musical/movie Chicago. I think it might be called hot honey rag, but idk for sure. but i know a song from chicago that does that, and it says 5678 really fast and then all of a sudden a faster beats in the song.

the opening audition sequence for the musical "42nd Street"?

i just did the show last year and thats the only one i can think of. its a big tap number, no singing.