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Question:i love to dance but i cant seem to dance naturaly infront of people. i mean i can but i get all scared and freeze up what are some like really good ways to get rid of stage fright??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i love to dance but i cant seem to dance naturaly infront of people. i mean i can but i get all scared and freeze up what are some like really good ways to get rid of stage fright??

find one person in the audeence that you omfortable with and dance for them

Nope. It's the edge that even professional performers say they can't quite defeat, but that keeps them sharp. It keeps them from getting bored, and from delivering a boring, uninspired performance. In time you'll learn to work with it, and even ignore it. It will become easier. But after 30 years of performing, I still get nervous enough once in awhile that I can't sing well. It's very frustrating! Try to ignore the audience, and dance for yourself, or for your teacher or parents. The rest of the people are unimportant.

i have a lot of experience talking in front of big crowds and well what i would do is just go up in front and take a moment to look at everyone just so i would get use to the fact that everyone is there and get comfortable and for some reason this would work for me everytime.

1. Ego. Fear of Failure

2. Psychological make-up of performers. Competitiveness? Exposure to inner self? Professional risks in each performance?

3. Social conditioning inhibitions.
? Lack of adequate self-esteem. Devalued self-image.

? Improper valuation of abilities.

? Insufficient training in acting or singing techniques.

? Improper knowledge of the material to be performed.

? Insufficient rehearsal time

? Lack of discipline. Negative thinking.

Try to overcome your fears, try to get to know the crowd better, and picture youself alone, or think positive. "You know you can do it" , your not the only one with stage fright. Practice in front of the mirror, friends, etc.

Focus on one point the room

Well really on stage your not supposed to look natural or else you'd be sweating really hard.LOL
Thats not really stage fright i had the same thing. My dance teacher told us to turn those butterflies into energy. Thats how you get over it. And you look ten times better.