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Position:Home>Dancing> Choreographering help ?

Question:ok im doing this dance with my group and i need some advise how to lead them
and not get frustrated if they get it wrong.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ok im doing this dance with my group and i need some advise how to lead them
and not get frustrated if they get it wrong.

im the dance team captain of our school, usually i dont get furstrated. i just try to be patient, unless they're really being disrespectful. & if they dont get the steps, i ask our dance instructor "why do they have to be in the team?" - not in a bad way though. cuz if one person looks bad, everybody looks bad. just be patient, and understanding. consider their difficulties. im sure you'll do fine. :]

Start in small sections of 4 or 8 beats. Repeat until they have it, then add another section. Repeat until they have it...keep adding in small sections and repeating until they have it all. this may take a few sessions. Have practice sessions at least twice a week. Review, then add at each session.