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Question:What are some exercises that can improve my toe touches and center leaps

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What are some exercises that can improve my toe touches and center leaps

keep doing them over and over until your muscles get used to them. and push yourself to them harder and harder so your legs get used to spreading out further. and i know i hate it too but STRETCH!

i have the same problem, if i was asking this question i would hate my own answer...stretch everyday, its the answer everyone already know but want to here an easier way, there is no short cut. heat muscles, or dance, then stretch, to increase flexibility. go to discount dance supply and type in stretching and flexibility enhancer toys will show up, the answer is still stretching!

Sam, Is that a jump touching your toes? If thats what you mean, no matter what dance form... try taking your arms very strongly straight over your head as you leave the floor... all the way up like you are reaching for a ten foot dunk in the basket. then open the arms as the legs split and bring them downwards to touch your toes. If thats not what you mean, ask again and try to be a little clearer about what you are working on. Good luck!

If you do them often enough the muscles will build up and you will start to see an improvement. Make sure you have the splits and if you already do try to get beyond the splits.

Practice your splitz.