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Position:Home>Dancing> How long would it take to get pointe shoes, after so many years of not practicin

Question:I am 16 years old and am thinking about starting ballet again. I stopped taking ballet when I was 13, and a couple of months away from getting point shoes. If I start now would I have to start all over again . How long would it take to get point shoes do you think.
Any information would be helpful

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am 16 years old and am thinking about starting ballet again. I stopped taking ballet when I was 13, and a couple of months away from getting point shoes. If I start now would I have to start all over again . How long would it take to get point shoes do you think.
Any information would be helpful

i think that it would take about 2 years since you were going to get your pointe shoes but then quit.. so you probably still have the talent but just build your ankles more since they probably aren't as strong as before :]

I depends on your level but you would need to have enough strength and technique to support your body, I would say at least 1-2 yrs, depending on how good you are.