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Position:Home>Dancing> Why is the Slow Fox Trot regarded as a "difficult" dance to do?

Question:Not difficult at all. I used to dance it years ago. Pretty well similar to the quickstep only slower!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Not difficult at all. I used to dance it years ago. Pretty well similar to the quickstep only slower!

it never was when I went 60 years ago

International Foxtrot aka Slowfox is difficult for beginners because of the complicated action called body rise and because of when all the actions need to be done with music. One of the widely used elements called Heel Turn is difficult to execute for the followers and it is difficult to lead. Unlike American Foxtrot, International Foxtrot requires you to do all of these elements from the very begining stages. The way the music is used is also unintuitive for beginners. All of the above combined makes it difficult. But give it 3 years or so - and you will fall in love with Slowfox, it will be your best dance. American Foxtrot, as it is danced socially, is on a contrary very easy to learn.

I go with Snow on this, and I'd go a step farther. Even for more advanced dancers, the lead difference between a reverse turn and an open telemark can be mistaken. The main thing about it, though, is the amount of control you have to have to produce that unhurried, easy look. Drop a heel at the wrong time, or let your elbow sag a couple of inches, and you've blown it.
Social foxtrot, on the other hand, is no big deal.