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Position:Home>Dancing> A question about GRIND DANCING?

Question:you know when you grind with a boy and you are not facing him and you want to stop dancing with him how do you do it? do you just walk away or turn round and say i want to stop dancing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: you know when you grind with a boy and you are not facing him and you want to stop dancing with him how do you do it? do you just walk away or turn round and say i want to stop dancing?

Just turn around and keep dancing close. and then just say you have to use the restroom. its not rude. either that or wait untilt he song is over.


if he can't see your face ,
mouth to one of your friends to
come and get you.

once you're done just kind of still dance with him but do dance steps that require you to back up then just escape into the crowd

Ha it's always good to have a sign with the friends your with. Some little hand sign that isn't obvious that would let your friends know to come save you. If your seriosuly desperate to leave and no one is helping you out just dance your way away.