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Position:Home>Dancing> How do you do an en dedan?

Question:thatz the turn where u go do you do 2 of them without falling? en dehors r much easier! wat could i be doing wrong? is it my posture?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: thatz the turn where u go do you do 2 of them without falling? en dehors r much easier! wat could i be doing wrong? is it my posture?

You need to make sure you take your pase` side (torso) with you. The most common problem in inside turns is that the one side lags behind, putting you off balance and keeping you from turning as fast. You also need to remember to change your spot to wherever you're going to finish your turn.

The only way to really get them is pratice...remember to keep your bum in, your shouliers down, your bottom leg straight and, spot fast ..Good Luck !

I absolutley HATE them! I can never get them right. My teacher only says "Practice, Practice, Practice!"