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Position:Home>Dancing> How to get better turnout in ballet?

Question:best answer 10 points

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: best answer 10 points

Well sad to say turnouts do not happen over night!

Unless you have an amazing turnout naturally you will have to work for it.

1. Make sure it is from the hips not knees. Also take a technique class it focuses only on technique and can do a lot for a dancer.

2. While doing barre and floor work make sure you pay attention to make sure you are actually having a turnout. I see many people watch their arms or upper body they forget about their turnout and if you go so long without tending to your turnout you will loose what you have.

3. Also while walking just down the street or walking your dog even around the house. Watch the turnout and in time It will get better.

Well I hope you try this and it helps for you.. : )

You could advertise or alternatively look at the following..... and practice, practice, practice

just do the frog position thats what i do every day.

Give away fabulous door prizes during intermission and at the end of the performance.

I have no idea. I've got an 180 degree one and I'm only just starting ballet =| is that weird?