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Position:Home>Dancing> How long did it take you to learn to do the splits?

Question:it took me about a month and a half when i started tkd.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: it took me about a month and a half when i started tkd.

I'm not naturally flexible at all. So it took me about 2 weeks just going further down each night. And then about a week later I got my R split.

I find it a lot easier to get your other split once you can do it on the other leg...If that makes sense lol?

y does a guy need to no how to do the splits just wondering

Took me forever, I was lazy when I started and only did them once a week(for like, 30 sec. a leg, but I was little!) . . . I gots them now though!

well i was young and i was just a tipiucal little 5 year old doing whatever playing around with my dog and i sliped with one legg and did sissors spilts i didn't even know i learned it and then when i was 8 i started to spits of alll kinds and the back bridge and now i can do back bridge flip back and land on splits and great for you!

I was naturally flexible, I've been able to do them since about 7 or 8 years just came natural to me. Yay^^

i took 2 weeks cuz i practised every morn n every nite, every single day

never learned ....