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Position:Home>Dancing> How to dance??

Question:like in any rap video ????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: like in any rap video ????

hey the best hip hop dancer i know is prithvi

catch him :

Like no one's watching.

lessons would be the best unless you know someone who can,
or just youtube some lessons up or something.

if you have to ask you cant do it but I'll give you some tips OK first break your left ankle and rip off your right leg and the rest comes naturally

Move WITH the beat...

step 1. find girl with large butt on dance floor
step 2. stand behind girl and grind against large butt
step 3. raise one hand over head
step 4. place free hand on side of large butt
step 5. continue grinding until music stops playing, go get drunk.

wear something like your favorite arist and start dancing and doing anything like them