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Position:Home>Dancing> Hip rotation vs turnout.?

Question:I will try to explain this...

When I sit on the floor with my legs straight out in front and then flex my feet and then rotate the hips so the baby toes are touching the floor..I can get my feet in a perfect first I am guessing this is hip rotation but then why cant I get my knees perfectly turned out?....These are probably two totally different things so forgive my ignorence (and spelling) but how are these two things related if at all??

and last but not least how can I improve my turnout? (beacuse my knees dont touch the floor in a butterfly position)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I will try to explain this...

When I sit on the floor with my legs straight out in front and then flex my feet and then rotate the hips so the baby toes are touching the floor..I can get my feet in a perfect first I am guessing this is hip rotation but then why cant I get my knees perfectly turned out?....These are probably two totally different things so forgive my ignorence (and spelling) but how are these two things related if at all??

and last but not least how can I improve my turnout? (beacuse my knees dont touch the floor in a butterfly position)

Your knees are not turning out because you are not turning out from your hip. You are actually turning out from your knee and ankle and if you do that standing and go to do a plie you are going to hurt yourself very badly.

When you are sitting in the butterfly stretch make sure you press your knees to the ground. You can also do the "frog" stretch which is when you do the butterfly stretch on your stomach. Make sure your hip bones are touching the floor and that your behind isn't up in the air.

To help turn out more when standing you cannot sit in your hips. You actually want to push your torso up and over your hips so that you create space for your femur to move in your hip socket. Almost think of it is as standing as tall as possible like someone is pulling you from the hair on the top of your head. You wouldn't let someone do that right? So you wouldn't pull away, you would go with your hair. That will help you pull up (and don't forget about pulling up in your stomach as well), and will give your room to drop your tailbone as well.

Don't forget that this is not going to happen over night. Make sure you warm your hips up and that you don't just push your body into positions that is not ready for. Push it to where it gives you a little discomfort (not a lot of it!) and hold for at least 30 seconds.

Good luck!

your turn out muscles are basically all in your but, so when your at the bar doing exercises, squeeze your but, and that should improve your turn out

First of want to think of rotating from the hips. If you don't, you could potentially injur yourself!

One that we do in class is to lay flat on your back with your legs straight at a 90 degree angle to your body.
Do several demi plie's in first position (start with your feet flexed, bend your knees, and straighten them slowly). Notice your turn out, and try to feel it from your hips, all the way through your heels.

Also, you can do "Scissors" while laying on your back too. Start with your feet at a 90 Degree angle again, and slowly lower your legs open and closed. Keep your legs straight! Do several times with pointed, and flexed feet. Work on turning the inside of your thighs up towards the celing!

I hope this helps!