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Position:Home>Dancing> Are there any upcoming dance performances in Utah?

Question:I'm looking for a professional dance performance sometime soon - March 3 - 9, somewhere in Utah, preferably around the city center or in Sandy. Does anyone know of one? If not, are there any professional workshops/master classes for teens (again, march 3 - 9, somewhere in UT)?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm looking for a professional dance performance sometime soon - March 3 - 9, somewhere in Utah, preferably around the city center or in Sandy. Does anyone know of one? If not, are there any professional workshops/master classes for teens (again, march 3 - 9, somewhere in UT)?

Look in your newspaper for the performance. They usually have special events listed somewhere in there. To take a master class, you usually have to be part of the company the class is at, so you might just want to check out dance studios in that area. It might be worth it to check out websites of and dance companies you know of in that area (there have to be at least a couple) to see if they have performances or an open class during those days.