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Position:Home>Dancing> Easy fast way to break in pointe shoes?

Question:mine are a bout..6 days old and ive been walking around the house with them.
is there a faster way i can break them in??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: mine are a bout..6 days old and ive been walking around the house with them.
is there a faster way i can break them in??

do NOT crack ur own pair of pointe shoes, my friend did that and they cracked right in half and she had to buy a new pair! have ur teacher do it!

put your pointe shoes on
put your feet in parallel position
roll up to pointe
plea on pointe (still in parallel) and just stay there for a while with your weight over the box slightly (hold on to a wall!)
good luck =)

slam ur pointe shoes in the door or hand them to a guy to bend :)

duh! bend them in half until you hear a slight crackle. (may need to do once a week if you have bloch's)
also, do exercises that press over the toe.
roll through the feet and press over HARD!
cross one foot over the other and press into the big toe
if all fails ask your instructor!

ok i no this souds weird but basically adn literly break them! bend them and squish them in a million diff ways and then waer them and do plies and relivet s to get them even more broken in!

You can also use water to soften the box.... Just get them wet and then wear them during class and they will soften and form to your feet