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Position:Home>Dancing> How do i stop rubbing in pointe shoes.?

Question:i have bloch sonatas and the width is E and the size is 4..
i was wondering why only my left big toe is rubbing into the shoe...and how to i stop it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i have bloch sonatas and the width is E and the size is 4..
i was wondering why only my left big toe is rubbing into the shoe...and how to i stop it?

Tape your toes! or else buy the squishy things you put on your toes that are being scrapped (sorry i forget what they're called, i don't use them) try

you should use lots of padding inside your shoe. use toe separaters (gel ones) and also a cushioned cap that goes over all of your toes. if you go to a dance supply store they should have everything you need to pad your shoes and more.

buy pads or just put cotton.

I dont know why but i would either get some toe spacers pack and in that comes with a little gel thing and/or put tape around your toe! HTH!

How do i stop rubbing in pointe shoes?

Ehh..Well normally its lack of padding .. but somtimes its just the show is too big/small slightly or it just needs breaking into.