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Question:We had a new coach this year and she says that i dont "get into it" very well but i dont know what to do to make me get into it more. I do feel like im having fun but then when i watch myself in the mirror i look quirky and just weird. i dont know how to fix it. any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We had a new coach this year and she says that i dont "get into it" very well but i dont know what to do to make me get into it more. I do feel like im having fun but then when i watch myself in the mirror i look quirky and just weird. i dont know how to fix it. any suggestions?

try thinking of passion while you are dancing. We dance to emotionally express ourselves. Every last movement should have a purpose and feeling to it. The simple gestures of moving heads and necks make a piece more beautiful, emotional, and stunning. Remind yourselves while you are dancing that you are giving to your audience from your heart what you love to do. You are performing a show to the world to show off your talents. It doesn't matter what type of dance your doing, you are always giving to your surroundings your best. I always watch my competition in classes and it helps me improve because i try to go above their standards. Sometimes you can look strange in a mirror while your dancing because your giving TOO MUCH and your trying TOO HARD. If you let yourself relax and feel the movements and beats, everything will work out great. =)

be confident with yourself.
you should try to dance in front of a big group.
dance as if no one were watching.. thats what my dance teacher tells us haha.
good luck
i had the same problem!

Just have fun, dont think to hard.

She Means To Feel The Music.
Make A Connection With The Music And Auditence.
Dancers Are Performers Performers... Preform.
And To Preform you Need To Feel The Music You are Dancing to.
listen to the lyrics.
Feel What the Composer Or Artist Is Trying get out in there singing or rapping or whatever.
Dont Just Do The Moves Make Them Your Own.
GOod Luck