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Position:Home>Dancing> I need help on my fautes?

Question:i dont know how to spell it is french. but if you know what ia m talking about will you give me some tips on how to perfect them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i dont know how to spell it is french. but if you know what ia m talking about will you give me some tips on how to perfect them?

the only thing i can tell you is PRACTICE
i learned by keeping my leg really low dont worry about the height oof your leg at first this will come later just worry about getting around ( spotting is the main part)

Practice is really the answer but first you should practice the leg movement without actually doing the turn so that it will be ingrained in your muscle memory. You also have to get the coordination of your arms and your legs perfect otherwise it will throw you off. SPOT! SPOT! SPOT!