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Position:Home>Dancing> Why do some people say White people can't dance ????

Question:I surely don't see that here

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I surely don't see that here

only some white people can't dance.
that is because in black history dancing and singing soulful music was culture.
also, hip hop is a type of style made by black people, and they choreograph life, basically.
a lot of white people just attempt to do it, or copy which is why they aren't as good.
whites can also sometimes think that "black" dancing is vulgar.
if you were raised by a black family, or are close to black people then you also might dance better.
not saying other races can or can't dance offense to anyone with two left feet.

I think they are trying to be funny. The only people I know who say it are white people ( I am white). Lighten up!

At my school, its only partly true. I agree. Lighten up.

Idk, i dont want to sound mean or say this wrong but, everybody that i know dances good and they are wite.

color dosnt change the way u dance either.

i think people are very sterotypical
i think its rude to say that "white" people cant dance
beacuse im white and i lOve to dance.
we just need to prove it =]

Well, it depends on the type of dance you are refering 2. But most black people are just born with a natural rythm required for more street style dancing, but i'm white, and i am poppin. It's just steoreotyping, and generalization!

I think it is just because white people really can't dance as well. They can dance but just not as well.....