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Position:Home>Dancing> Please watch this video and tell me what you think(3)?

Question:Heres the link...
It's me then my brother.
Tell me what you think.
Is it good.
What can I do to be better?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Heres the link...
It's me then my brother.
Tell me what you think.
Is it good.
What can I do to be better?

its really good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... i love it

very painful to watch slow makes me wanna sleep. your brother has very good timing though so he should take some classes cause he has some real talent. stop trying to do the popping and stop being shy and pulling down your sweater. and you are the girl so no crotch grabbing cause it makes you look a bit foolish. you should take some classes so you can get the technique. i am harsh but you asked for what we think so there it is. you can become a good dancer if you can get the rythmn. toodles

girl dance like a girl don't put steps like a boy because is ridiculous