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Position:Home>Dancing> How do you do a Fouette?

Question:like i can do a single and a double.
but i don't get how to like flick my foot out.
ah idk it's hard to explain.

so if anyone has anyways i can try to get them down.
give me STEP by STEP!

best answer=10 pts.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: like i can do a single and a double.
but i don't get how to like flick my foot out.
ah idk it's hard to explain.

so if anyone has anyways i can try to get them down.
give me STEP by STEP!

best answer=10 pts.

the way i think of it is you do a piroutte and then open to the front controlling your heel down and plie in a second position, kind of like a 2nd position fondu to the front and then a rondejam (sp wrong haha) to flick your foot back into passe. but you just rotate in your knee to flick into the turn. you dont move your hip up or down or side to side or anything so you keep a strong passe.

it is hard to explain its just kind of trail and error to get it so that it works for you haha.

good luck!

Strong carriage (por te bra) of the arms in the pirouette and you come toward the front of the 1st piro, fondue forward, fondue side(keeping the hips square) in one motion and turn. Repeat the movement TOGETHER and you got it
so that's a:
fondue front .side, passe+ pirouette til you can't anymore
remember balance is key

You start out in the same position as you would if you are doing a regular turn. And then you just do a turn, but instead of landing it, you bring your leg out 90 degrees and go into a plie, then you bring it into a pique position and go back up on relevee at the same time ( You bend it to your knee ) then turn to the front, bring your foot out, and you repeat that over and over!
A really important part is that you don't drop your arms, because they give you force. Keep your spot and turn out and point ur toes!
1) Keep your leg straight.
2) Don't forget to spot.
3) Always hit your points, don't make it all flow. By hitting i mean, be very sharp and hit your positions to the front and back.
4) Don't try to bring your leg up higher than you can lift it without lifting your hips. Keep it at your level, that way you won't lose your balance.
5) Really use your arms to whip you around, because they give you force.