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Position:Home>Dancing> Any excercises to help do a backbend kickover?

Question:I have been doing dance for 9 years but Im not very good at gymnastics. I really want to be able to do a backbend kickover. I can already do a backbend though. Excercises that can be done daily would be helpful.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have been doing dance for 9 years but Im not very good at gymnastics. I really want to be able to do a backbend kickover. I can already do a backbend though. Excercises that can be done daily would be helpful.

First, you definitely have to strengthen your arms- pull ups and push ups are the best way to do that. Then, do a regular back bend near a wall and try to push off of it- don't push yourself too hard, though. Try it a little bit at a time- you will improve slowly and steadily. Don't try this without supervision, though.

We used to face a sturdy wall and then back bend. After that, we used to put one foot on the wall as high as you can go and use it to push off of. I would absolutely use a spotter though.

You're going to have to do a lot of abdominal work. Your core is what's going to get you over, so you've got to have strong abs and arms.

That's probably all the exercises you'll need to do. I've never done one, I'm not very flippy and it scares me! But from what I understand, you use your abs to flip you over.