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Position:Home>Dancing> Ballet to help with figure skating?

Question:does ballet actually improve your skating? how? also if it does what are things i can do at home to practice it? moves and stuff.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: does ballet actually improve your skating? how? also if it does what are things i can do at home to practice it? moves and stuff.

it does improve your skating tremendously, because it teaches you flexiblity and gracefulness, and that will really help once you are on the ice. another thing that could help is gymnastics, for same reasons

Ballet helps you with so many different activities. It helps your agility and technique. Professional football players even take ballet to improve their agility. As for practice at home, strech and concentrate on moves that you mess up such as making sure that your shoulders down or pointing your toes.

I know it helps me a lot with balance. It takes a lot of balance to be a figure skater and ballet helps a lot (a person who doesn't take ballet can most likely not be able to releve (go on their toes) as high as they possibly can go with one foot in a flex (bent, foot at knee)).

yesyesyes! it does! it helps with your body strength and it improves your memory skills for routines! just once a week really adds onto your skaing skills!

Ballet will help your poise, balance, timing, flexibility and strength for figure skating. Annette Thomas is the guru for this cross-training method for skaters and Choreographer, Ricky Harris, supports and uses this system.

Visit and get an introduction, online workbook and more. If you like what you see get the book. Or even better, find a beginning ballet class in your area, if you can. There's an advantage to having a trained instructor watch as you learn, so you don't develop bad habits by accident.