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Position:Home>Dancing> Type of music dance? electtronic help?

Question:ok this vid like in the beganing where he nots singing what kind of music would that be :D

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ok this vid like in the beganing where he nots singing what kind of music would that be :D

Technically, that is house music. The original song was by Reel 2 Real back in 1994, but you can find modern house music that sounds similar. If you want more stuff, I would suggest going to YouTube, type in "house music" and listen to whatever you can to find an artist that you like. There are hundreds of electronic genres and sub-genres; so, you are going to run into many artists that sound nothing like the house sound you like. I don't listen to house enough to recommend any good artists, but using YouTube and Amazon, you will find something you like.

Also, it's not club music or techno. Calling it club music is too general. Hall & Oats and Metallica both fit into the rock genre but sound nothing alike. Techno is a genre of its own that is (usually) much faster, simplier, and repetitive than house.

dance/ club music

I agree, club/dance

Thats what dance dance revolution would sound like if it had lyrics!
