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Position:Home>Dancing> Where can i get ballet shoe's..??

Question:My parents wont let me do ballet and i badly want to do it. no matter what i say they jsut wont let me, So am learning it from youtube.. and i want to get ballet shoes (pointe) do you know what online web site i can buy them from..?? thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My parents wont let me do ballet and i badly want to do it. no matter what i say they jsut wont let me, So am learning it from youtube.. and i want to get ballet shoes (pointe) do you know what online web site i can buy them from..?? thanks


and here

FORGET THE SHOES BuY A DVD!!!! you tube wont teach you much .... you are limited. Infact rent a FREE dvd from the library and practice for free. the shoes are not that important compared to good instruction ...
payless sells shoes and I think walmart and kmart do to but I would get the basics down and see if you realy want to do this or not first.

you cant go on pointe until you strengthen your ankles by doing the basics for a few years first! you will look rediculous.

dont fool yourself.

You can't teach yourself to go en pointe, period. You will seriously injure yourself. Pointe is a discipline that ballet dancers learn after years of classes and training. You have to have very strong muscles, PROPERLY FITTED POINTE SHOES, and learn how to dance en pointe PROPERLY so you don't hurt yourself. You can't just randomly buy pointe shoes without a proper professional fitting, and you can't just decide to go en pointe based on a video on the internet. It's a serious artistic and athletic endeavour that requires years of dedication, training and fitness.

Please, don't do this. It can be very dangerous. If your parents wont allow you to take dance lessons, get a part time job and pay for them yourself, or wait till you're an adult. I have seen the severe damage that ill fitting pointe shoes can do, and it isn't pretty. It is our policy not to even fit girls who are not actually in ballet and taking pointe. Think of it like this:
You decide to take up weight training. Right away, you pick up the heaviest weight in the gym. You're going to do damage to yourself.

Don't! a girl should not be taught to dance sur les pointes (on the toes) until her feet are strong enough. She must first have a few years of training to develop her foot and leg muscles. Short cuts in training can cause serious and even permanent physical damage. Ballet involves a lot of unnatural body movement - why physicals are required by all good teachers/companies. Bone structures change. Are you serious enough to have your foot bones broken and reset?

you cant teach yourself pointe
youll hurt yourself
and usually u have to do ballet for about 3 yrs to make it on pointe
dont try
save up some money and pay for classes by yourself

Well, i'm not sure if payless has a website for itself, but if they do, i would recommend Also, if you are out shopping with your friends at the mall, [(not with your parents!=)] you could buy ballet flats. they are kind of the same, but just more decorative. ( pick me 4 best answer plz!)


oh wow... do NOT try and wear pointe shoes without proper classes, and at LEAST 3 years of ballet... that is absolutely ridicules thinking, you can't learn from youtube. if you want to buy ballet shoes, they are cheapest at payless, or walmart. i wouldn't buy any expensive slippers unless you were to take lessons...

firstly, not to burst you bubble, i would NOT advise learning pointe from the internet. heres why:
you need a good 1-4 years of proper ballet training before you will ever be strong enough to support yourself on toe shoes
and there are so many mistakes you can make on toe: rolling your ankles in, not arching your foot correctly, misalligning your spine... that can cause true damage to your body, forever. you need personal training because a video cannot see when your doing these things to help you know when to corredt them.
also, you cant always trust the people on you tube, they are not trained professionals, and you don't really know what kind of advice your getting.

if you really really want to learn to dance, i would see if any of your friends could teach you some, or if your parents would let you pay for your own lessons. maybe try learning jazz or tap online... less can go wrong. still i wouldn't strongly reccomend it. try talking to your parents one more time in a mature way asking if you could try it at a local community center, as long as you pay for it... maybe make them a deal, like you'll help around the house more, or bring up your grades. it would hurt to start doing stuff like this before you ask in order to make sure they realize you mean business. whatever you do, don't beg though. they'll see that you respect them and may say yes the next time.
also, ask your parents at a good time... during conversation at breakfast, dinner, ect. and make it seem casual. present your proposal in a mature way and hope that the answer is yes. if not, wait a couple weeks, think of a new deal and try again.
if they continue to say no, i would ask for instructional videos and books for birthday, christmas, ect. its better than the internet. and grab a friend to do it with you... you guys can help each other. maybe once your parents realize how commited you are with the tapes they bought you, they'll let you take some classes.

as for your shoe question, try:

if you do ballet, on tapes i hope, get canvas split sole shoes. i think htese are the best, but you have to sew on your own elastic... which i like because you can put it wherever it feels best. good luck!

i am so sorry bout the rents!!!
i kinda agree with getting a dvd
but really pointe shoes are not for you.
you could injure yourself and never be able to dance again
your ankles have to be really strong and you have to have an instructor that could tell you what you are doing wrong and how to fix it
i would advise keeping on flat
at my studio we have to be asked to go to pointe to be able to
people get turned down weekly
good luck though=]

okay i was just reading what other people wrote and actually i started ballet when i was five and started pointe at 12 so...

one last thing...
DO NOT BUY SHOES ONLINE!!!!!! they will not fit you right and there is another way to injure urself!!!!
have someone (friends) take you someplace closeby or something!!!!!!
i swear if you buy shoes online YOU WILL injure yourself you don't know what your doing

Well you can't just buy pointe shoes off the internet. You have to be properly fitted to see what siz you are or you may hurt your feet. The sizes run very differently.

You also need an instructer to do ballet. You need to start out in regular ballet shoes and you need someone to teach you how to use them!

Talk to your parents. I have been taking ballet since i was 2 years old and now i am 14. I just went up on pointe when i was 12 years old. It took me 10 years. You should take some ballet classes and tell your parents how elegent and beautiful ballet is. I love it! Hope i helped and keep trying with your parents! -Audrina