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Position:Home>Dancing> A good song to dance to, but more like a crazy, out there dance where can just b

Question:The freshmen in my dance class are doing a goodbye dance, but we want to have fun and be crazy, obviously. Anyone have any good suggestions? But also have it show off what we know?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The freshmen in my dance class are doing a goodbye dance, but we want to have fun and be crazy, obviously. Anyone have any good suggestions? But also have it show off what we know?

well well if u want a break dance/dance sort of song the i would recommend "the way i are, pond de replay, or any sen Paul song these are amazing songs to dance to but if u want more of anything to jump around and just have fun i would say "deer dance, i like to dance to aerials trust me it gets a whole other person out of u lol i should know, misery business maby, high way to hell" is an amazing song also "back in black". There's a lot more songs but it'll take me a while to put them all lol

the macarena :P

um just pick any hip hop song but one that has alot of beats in it go to youtube and type in hip hop song and they will give you alot

Hey Ya

M.I.A fits perfectly with what u want. just listen to all of her songs. my personal favorites are, Bingo, Bamboo Banga, XR2, Bucky Done Gone, World town

there are many more good songs just listen 2 her cd's Arular, or her most recent Kala