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Position:Home>Dancing> Can I burn the end of the drawstring on my pointe shoe?

Question:Like you know how you burn the end of the ribbons-can you do that to the drawstring, they're kind of fraying?

Anyone done this before?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Like you know how you burn the end of the ribbons-can you do that to the drawstring, they're kind of fraying?

Anyone done this before?

Dear Rach, just dip the frayed end in glue, and let it dry. LUV Oh, and remember to take the shoe off first.

Sure as long as you burn only the ends. Nothing more, nothing less[:

Yes, of course- but in a well ventilated area. The whole studio stank after one girl did hers...

Wrap the end with a piece of sellotape, slice to get a neat end and flame briefly.


Yeah ..but take care


You can also hem the edges. by turning over the edge and sewing it together