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Position:Home>Dancing> How can i get mad?

Question:My dance teacher told me that the mood in the dance we are workinf on is very angry. She told us to think of anything awe can that would make us mad? what are some things that could make me mad?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My dance teacher told me that the mood in the dance we are workinf on is very angry. She told us to think of anything awe can that would make us mad? what are some things that could make me mad?

I have a hard time with this too. Imagine you are the worst in your class and they are about to kick you out and all you can do to stay in is keep working harder. This will create adrenaline and anger that will not only help you dance better but will convey anger. I have to get mad for a dance too, so I also just make big, strong movements and feel the music. I hope I helped! Good luck ( :

PS If all else fails, imagine someone you don't like or a mean girl at dance taunting you.

lol! get your friends to slap you! then youll get pissed cus you really didnt mean it! i did that in high school! for a play! i couldnt get into character and so i jokingly asked my friend to slap me so id get mad and she actually did it! I got so mad at her but it worked!

keep some extra makeup on hand you might get red! lol

I have a problem with that too. Often been told i dont have a mean bone in my body. But my X riles me up, Problem is, i let him get by with murder because he walks all over me and i dont "show" my anger

I suggest what the others have.....
Think of something that really disgusts you, like child abuse or violence......that usually works for me...