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Position:Home>Dancing> I'm 15 and was wondering if it's too late to return to Ballet?

Question:When I was younger I did 7 years of dance from ages 4 to 11. It's been four years but I really want to go back to dancing, specifically ballet. Is it too late to rejoin and potentially go further with it, or should I just give up hope now?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When I was younger I did 7 years of dance from ages 4 to 11. It's been four years but I really want to go back to dancing, specifically ballet. Is it too late to rejoin and potentially go further with it, or should I just give up hope now?

No of course not!
if you have done ballet before you should know the basic rules...if you want to go further you could work really hard and get into good grades!! im 13 and im in grade 6 and my friend started later than me and shes in grade 7 definatly don't give up!!!
Best Wishes

It is never too late, if you have passion for it you should continue.


you have experience and chase your dreams! Don't give up and do your best :)

It's never too late to pursue something you have a passion for.I started dancing when I was 13.

nnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy
girllll you are not to old to do ballet!!!
i dance with 3 18yr olds in my dance co. they r so pretty
nd can move!!

I'd try it again and give it everything (I mean everything!) you've got for at least for a year - you will know by the end of that time. The odds are not with you even if you'd been dancing during those 4 years. It is better to try and fail than to wonder the rest of your life if you could have made it and that applies to everything you do. Good Luck!


Like other people have said, you are never too old to dance. If you had early experience it should be pretty easy to go back to ballet. You should go back and give it all you got, if you like it so much you will go back no matter your age.

Good luck

never, i love ballet an have seen numerous people return to the studio asking the same question. don't think that way, just work hard and after a few weeks you should be doing fine, please don't give up, dance is too beautiful. good luck!!!